Key points: Argentina is -factually- extremely free, specially in rural areas. These current freedom benefits may not be strictly compliant with local laws, but nonetheless, they can be fully enjoyed without any personal risk. This is happens due to a lack of enforcement and a passive acceptance by the Government. On top of that, in due time, this tacit acceptance can even be used as a case to lobby for legal reforms in order to achieve a legal change that leads to the hosting state up to even embrace the proposed FPC model.

Ordinary Free (Private) City relationship with host state road map:

There are multiple possible ways to build an FPC or Citadel. One way to do it is following these steps in this particular order:

  1. Find a suitable hosting state and a desired piece of land.

  2. Lobby the hosting state and evaluate the land.

  3. Obtain from the hosting state some reduction of harm (AKA: legal benefits) for the specific land.

  4. Purchase the land then develop.

The main advantage of this model is that it´ll provide optimum legal security without risking the capital needed to purchase the land. These legal assurances can come in form of administratives acts such as decree, law ratified by the executive power or even a constitutional reform (like Honduras).

A big disadvantage of this technique, is that it requires a lot of time and man hours doing democratic politics lobby in order to achieve completion of the task.

Aleph Citadel relationship with host state road map:

On the other hand, in Aleph Citadel we´ve decided to make a different approach.

“One criteria is to go to places where laws are good. Another criteria is to go to places where laws are very bad but nobody cares and nobody enforces them.” Giacomo Zucco

“One criteria is to go to places where laws are good. Another criteria is to go to places where laws are very bad but nobody cares and nobody enforces them.” Giacomo Zucco

Taking into account the aforementioned criteria and enjoying inside Argentina a perfect context for that approach, we are currently executing the following steps in this particular order:

  1. Find a suitable hosting state and a desired piece of land.

  2. Evaluate and purchase the land.

  3. Develop the land and start operations.

  4. Lobby the state for reduction of harm (AKA: legal benefits)